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The balance can be paid in three instalments .

Level 3 Sports Massage

Price Options
Sports Massage L3
£216.33every month for 3 months
  • After payment you will receive an email with a link to complete your registration. Once registration is complete you will be given access to your online course platform within 48 hours (72 hours if booked on a weekend) of booking. You will be able to start the online home study at this point.

    If you access your course materials within 14 days of booking, you will no longer be eligible for a refund of any fees paid.   

    After 14 days of booking you are no longer eligible for a refund of any course fees paid.

    Please ensure you have read the full booking Terms and Conditions before making any booking.  

    By paying your deposit/full payment you are confirming that you have accepted our Terms and Conditions which can be found here.

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No part of this  website may be copied without the consent of Active Health Group

0161 706 0030

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If you would like to speak to us about a course, please use the booking facility below

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